Summit of the Matterhorn.
The Matterhorn
I have stood on the summit five times.
And each time has been completely unique. Different weather and routes, different companions, and once solo. I've even spent a sleepless night halfway down the east face, sitting on a narrow ledge, and pelted by freezing rain while dodging lightning strikes.
The Matterhorn is an experience that cannot be described, a place that cannot be done justice in photographs and it has been a lifelong fascination for me. Getting to know this mountain from every angle is a continuing project and deeply rewarding.
Many believe it to be the most beautiful mountain on earth, and if you have seen it with your own eyes from Zermatt or Cervinia you will probably agree. It is one of a kind: geologic, tectonic and glacial perfection.
To those who have struggled with them, the mountains reveal beauties that they will not disclose to those who make no effort. That is the reward the mountains give to effort. And it is because they have so much to give and give it so lavishly to those who will wrestle with them that men love the mountains and go back to them again and again. The mountains reserve their choice gifts for those who stand upon their summits.
- Sir Francis Younghusband
Monte Rosa from the summit of the Matterhorn.